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of Spirituall Deathand Lift. To! take therefore the ! pofiles exhortation, Gal. 6. while yes have timedoe geed: life is but an :t iicg, yen then live whenye are doing recd.' We lee how many men fall from the Tree cf. life, as leaves in Autumne ; the candleof this life is quickly blowne out: have therefore a better life in flore, bee not alwayes building, never inhabiting, aiwaycs beginning, never fi- nifhing ; St'4ltitieferriper incpit vivere; folly f always beginnsto live : It is the fault of moil men, they arc aiwayes be, incit and neuer goe on. L: t us take therefore the Apoflles I counfell, i Pet.4.3. i broke it Juffeàcnt that we have fvalkedformoly, as we hive dcr;e ; the time which reamincs, let us reckon it pre- cious, and bellow it to better purpofe. Secondly, ifevery. one that isin Chrifl,be in an happy elate of life; then let men from hence know their flare and condition, let them often reflect on their priviledges, beha- ving themfelves as men, that prize them, and bellowing their time as well as may bey; let as few rivu'ers runne cut ofthis frearne as you can. Wce pray, that Tree may doe Gc. s Matth.c.7o. widen earth, as perf¿1 as the 4t,°gcls doe it in C,eaven; wee fhoulcl therefore praaife this as We pray for : their life is- without interrup! ion, f;ey are in communionwith God ; let us then beaiw=ayes doing, having our thoughts above; let not cares and bufncfÇe call vs off; but let ,us comfort our felvcs in Cod, a.eting that which Tye 2.