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inElegant and lively Vefcription, which is for his glory : wherefore prize this life ,efteeme it much, knowwhat ye have by Chri(l,and confider the excellencyof this life aboveallothers. That yee may know the ex- cellency ofthis lifo,confider it comparatively with this other life, thatwe live : It bath three properties wherein it differs from,and excells this common life which weall live. Firíl, itis aneternal! life. lob. 6. Tourfathers dideaseManna anddied, but bee that eatetb of this bread, thall dieno more, but helcall live for ever: that is, this is the advantage that. yee have,' by the lifethat I fhall give you : thofe that didBate Manna,the foodofAngels,died, and ¡oh. 4,7hofe that drinke ofthis water /hall thirflagaine, that is, thofe that live another life than this, fhali die and thirst; but thofe that livethis life, fhall never die. To live this life is when the foule lives in the objea; there is a living in the fubjeet, yet this fpitituall life is when the foule lives in the object; when as it is fet on God. Take men that live other lives, yee fhall fee that their lives are fhort; Aman living in honour, that being the thing he mindesand intends, it is in potefatebona- rantis, there is noconftancy in it, is is brickle. Ifa man lives inwealth, fees his mindc on it ; Whyriches take their ringsandfly away,Pro.23. and then their life is ended. Soifa man lives in pleafure and muficke, they paffe away, and then he isdead; thofewho live in thefe things fuffer