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of Spirituali Death andLife. ffuffer many fìckne fes and many deaths, as their hearts are more intent upon them. But . it maybe wee may not minde thefe things:' Yes 44- ifreminded tbënot,as a man that hears a tale,and bath his mind elfewhere,orasa man that baits at an inne, his minde being fonle- where elfe ; If yeemind them, yedie in them ; he that minds the bell things, never dies, be- caufe there is no change in them. God is al- wayes the fame,; his favour and love is con- ffant; fee therefore that yee prize them. As a time that is infinitely long, exceeds that which is a buta fpan long in quantity, fo doth this lifeexceed the naturalilife, in perpetuity, and excelles all other lives in excellencie.. Secondly, this life is a life indeed; as that thatfeeds it is meate indeed; theother is not fo : looke upon all the comforts of this prefent life, they are not fuch indeed; take wealth, pleafures, honours and the like ; wealth is but afalfe treafure : Luke 16.1 r, itis called the un- righteous Mammon,thefalte treafure ;.(EtMiiis Hec ar non diHeoaar:) in comparifon of the true treafure it is nothing.ThereforeSalomon, Pro. z 3.5. fpeaking of riches faith ; Wilt thou Jet thine eyes upon that which is not ? thefe riches arenothing So for honours, all praife among men is nothing, itis but vaine-glory, _I and vaine becaufe it is empty and bath no- thing in it : fo the pleafuresofthis lifeare but fad pleafures, the heart is fad at the bottome : the 103 Queff Anf. I Cor.7.29. 30. 2. 1011,6.55