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that yon r hears which C z lent Ti to which purpofe the hod e bids them . vortife; whenhehad exhorted the generali ofmortification, thenhe fu particulars, as, Fornication, Unclea h hereafter, (God offting)youthall he you learne it will notbe fufficient for your cove- toufneffe, but youmuffle youvane glory : So alfowhen thou a in thy un- derftanding, thou muftm will, andaf- fcátions ; flayfinne firft i then flay it in thepartsofthybody ; your(elves whetheryoufinde thiswo Mortification to be generall. Thirdly,you fhallkn® luit bemor- tifiedby this ; Lookeifthere equality betweene the lifeofgrace, and the d ion ; thatis, ifyou findgrace in measure untothemea-, lure ofcorruptionwhich thee, it is a finne thyfine is mortified s adyingum' tofinne,fo therewill be a o holinefle ; feeing the new man will revive, when the old man beginsto dye row ftrong, whenCorruptiongrows therefore the Apoftie faith, Grow inGrace, rledge.ofour, Lordrefus art", 2 Pet. 3.1 uld fay, you Mall findby thiswhether ofnaturebe flamein you, ifyou f and verfe ) whichyoucannot doeunl ,except there bea proportion betwixt ace; and the deathofcorruption: Thereforeexamine rfelves by this, whether youdoe a are (pick- red ingrace, topray, ó is anexcl- TheDeEirine -efMorZìficatioi". y Apoftle her themunto bjoynes divers nnefle ofwhit are. Hence then you to leave ave your pide, haft flame lint ortifie it in thy nth; foule, and grid fó examine rke of tif wwhether your bean each ofcorrupt anfwerable is,xnortified in foras thereri quickening unt beginne to Gracewi11g sweake ; and aad in the kn 8. As ifhe tho the corruption fafl, (as in th former e% gracegrow the life of gr finde