Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

j 4. ,In Elegirìt and li'vely Deriptiora, Matth.ü.zS. Rons:8.tG. I 1oh,341.z. 27. the riches the comforts of this life, and onely thefe are riches and comforts indeed : the anions of this life, areanions indeed. In ea. ting and ,drinking there is fwe tneffe, but when we feed on thepronifes by faith, then wetale fweetnefl'e indeed in them.One that is weary,being refrefbed withileepc finds fweet- neffe and eafe; but it is another rcfrefhing, that thofefindewho havebeeise weary andhea. vie ladenwithfanne, and are nowsefrefled, this brings comfort to the foule. So to thinke of houfes,wife,chitdren, and lands; to confider all the actions that wee have done under the Sunne,and all that we have paired thorow, is pleafant : but to thinkeof the priviledges we have in Chrif#, that we areSonnesofGod, and hciresofHeaven, this is comfort indeed: efpe- cially to thinke ofthe good workeswee have done; what good prayers wee have made, what good duties wee have performed, thefe, Fare anions indeed,and bring comfort indeed. All the anions of this life areactions indeed, this life is a life indeed; in death you fhali finde it fo, that Chrif s bodyand biota,' are meate and driake indeed; that remiífiaa of fïnnes, and peaceofconfcience, are comforts indeed, peace indeed; they are filch now, thoughye thinke nor ft; yce Ehall then know, that this life is life indeed. ïhirdly,this lifeofgrace is aprevailing Iife, (wallowing up the other 2 Cor. S. 4. theApo- file