ofSpiritual) Deathand Life.. file defireddeath : not to be uncloatbed, but to be cloathed upon, that mortality might 6efival- lomedrip of1,e ; that is , defiring deat h, 1 de- fire not tobedeprived of the comforts ofthis life; then I were unwife : f would not put off mycloathes, butto be cloathed with a better fuite ; I de fire a life to fwallowup this life; not as a Gulfe fwallowes that which is cafl into ir, or as fire fwallowesup the wood, by confu- ming ir, but a life that twallowesi t up, as per- feaion fwallowes up imperfeCtion,as theper- feeting of a pitture fwallowes up the rude draught, as perfeCt skill fwallowes upbung- ling,or as manhood fwallowes upchildhood, not extinguifhing it, but drowning or rather perfcaing it that it is not feene, The life of gracebeingperfect, fwallowes up imperfeCîi- on; he that lives the life ofgrace,hath the im- perfe&ions of this naturals life fwallowedup: For example;before wee live this life,.we mag- nifie riches,honours,and Gugaes; but the lift ofgrace comming, wee have other kindesof comforts then ; as a man that is tobe made a Prince, contemnes the things hee before ad- mired. Theweakeneffes we arefubjea to, are fwallowed up in this life: al ficknefleand trou- ble ar fwallowed up in this: fo are all ourfrail - ries,and imperfe.`tions.Tbis fhould teach us to fet a highprize upon this lifeofgrace; that we dyenomore ifwe live it; that it is a life indeed, th it it fwallowes up this other life ; compare H with