of Spirituall Deathand Life. union as this, is there betweene us and Chrifl: me are inhim, as the branches in the vise, wee are incorporated and knit to him, this puts us intoanhigherdegreeofexcelleacy:filver mix- edwithgold isbetter ;yetifwe could take the fpirits out ofgold, and make filver take thena- ture andquality ofir,it wouldbe muchbetter. Wee put on the Spirit andquality ofChrifi, when as we live this life.Lufts which aremolt contrary to this lift, puts us belowmen, and makes us worfe thanBeafls;this life puts usbe- yond men, and makes us equall with Angels. ' All men delire forneexcellency which is done by adding fornething to them ; fome deliire wealth,forrse learning ,fomehonour. Confider then if yee live this life, yee goe beyond all others : nothingbeyond Gods Image ; no thingbetter tobeunited to thanGod : let this fet the life ofgrace at ahigh rate inyouraffe- ttions;men do it not,and therefore they defpife religion in its felfe,and in thofe inwhom it ap. peares. Thirdly, yet have this advantage in this life ofgrace, it addes liberty toyou , it makes you to doe thofe things that otherwife yee couldnot doe: it makes yee topray,to repent, to beleeve, and to doe thofe things withort which there isno falvation: looke on Chrift. There arebut few that candoe this t there are few thatcan delight in God, relifh the word in its purity, take pleafure in the company 1'I z of 1 0 Ioh15.ïL