Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

108 Elesant and lively 17e f criptiorr, ofthe Saints : comfort themfèlvcs in the Lord their God ; this life gives liberty, which is an additionoffocue perfeóion: it makes us todo things, that we could nor doe before, and to doe them in another manner. A man having gottenan Art, bath liberty to doe thole things which before he could not : asone that bath gotten the Artof logicheor geomctry,can doe that whichbefore he could not doe; as one in healthbath liberty to doe that whichhe could not doe being ficke : water beinghot, bath li- berty to heute, which it could not before. There is no liberty todoe holy actions, but this liberty ofthe lifeofGrace : the Spirit of life addes liberty to doe the actions oflife.a Cor.3.17. Where theSpirit ofGodid, there it li- berty,rodoe things whichbefore we couldnot; as one havingan Art candoe things that hee could not doe before: This, though you prife it not, whiles yourmountaine isffrong, yet the timewill come whon yee will need liberty to pray, repent, and truü in God ; and then ye will find the precioufneffeofit : this then fers aprice upon this lifeofGrace,and íhouldmake you todefire it. Thirdly, if it be a happy condition, and the priviledge of thofe who are in Cbrif, that there is fucha life for them; let this reach men to feeke, to live this life of grace, to get it ifthey have it not; toconfirme it if they have i t q toabilaine from luá , the fickneffe of