ofSpiritual DeathandLife. 109 f the foule, and the meancs to quench this life :take heecleofeftringingyour felvcs from God, wko is the principle of,this life , take heed ofdejeaions of mind, the cloudings that damp this life. This life is to beaCtive, to a61 much in the wayes of God ; when a man is cheerefull and vigorous, he livesa life ofna- ture;fohe that bath a quicke andnimble fence, and is forward andbufy in good works, lives moft this life ofgrace: He that rejoyceth moft in God, hath moftcomforts, moft life; Takeheedofthe contraries. Idleneffe, fence- leffeneffe, andbarrenneffe are contrary to life; take heedofthem ; take heed offadneffe that ruffs thewheelesof thefoule,whereas Joydoth oyle them: Doe all to further this life; a- void all that hinders it. Labour now tobee tranflatedfrom death to life; that which hin- ders us, is, that we thinke we are in aflare oflife,whenwe arc not. Now yee may know whetherye arealive orno, by feeingwhether yee are dead or no ; But becaufe yee may be certaine whether ye are aliveor not; I will giveyou fomepofitive fignesof life toknowit. Firft ye are tranflated from death to lift, yee are livingmen ifye love the Brethren,' Job. 3.14. Ifa man be a living man, he lives inano- ther element than he did before Every living man converfeth with thofeofthe fame kind, asevery creature doth; Sheepe withSheepe, Lyons with Lyons; Doves with Doves; fo H 3 living Signes of Cpi- rituali life.