o LlgJantand l+'ruly Dcirri .tic},, living men will converfe witli living men. Not loving the brethren, wee are in a Hate of death. Every creature muíl have an element to live in a new life i, luff have a newele- ment : evil menout oftheir companies areas Fifhout of the water. Every lifebath likewife a tafleand appetite; a new life batha new tafle and judgement. Pro. 2 9.27. 4inunjue man is an abomination to thejufl : and be that is up- right in theway, is anabomination tothe rvicked: rhac is,onehares the thingthat the other loves: he that is alive, the things whichbeforehe lo- ved, he now hates : heabhors the things, that evi11 men delight in. That which is a dogs meate,is a fbeepespoyfon,as theproverb is: fo that which wicked mendelight in, is as odious as poyfon to the jufl. To judge this life by; feewhat your company and delights are, no- thing can be letfe diffembled than company.: In his company mandoth fpeake out of thea- bundanceof the heart, he thenbewrayes him - felfe what he is : there is no dead man, no living man but he is inwardwith the like : no figne fo much p.ynted at in the Scripture, as this, Teeare tranJlatedfrom death to life, ilyec love thebrethren, 1 icb.3 . T 4. and loh. z 3.3 5, By thistha/ail menknow that yee aremy diîci iet, if yee loveone another : this rule will not deceive you. Secondly, yeemay know whether yee live this life, if ye contend for it : that lifewhich a;