ofirituall Deathand Life. III a man lives, for it he will contend ; he will let any thing goe rather than it. Ifyee live this lifeofgrace, geewill maintaine it : and yee candoe no otherwife: i ¡ohm. 3.9. Ike the : borne ofGodcannot finne r tobe borne ofGod, isto leade anew life ; he that lives a new life, -admits not the things which tend to the de- ftrution ofit: Compare this with the It .Pet. 2.1r. Abfiaine from flefhly lulls, whichfight a- gainft the Joule : bee that is borne of God finnes not ; that is, bee yeelds not to finne with his good will, but ítruggles againft it; as one inhealth drives againft f ckenefi'e , re- Os thedifeafe,andmaintains awarre againfl it. But yetthe belt are foyled: Tis true, yet they (rive, they neveryeeld; theymaintaine awarre : and this theydoenot onlyby ditcourfe, but there is a naturall in- ftind that puts them forwards : they maybe caO backe, yet they returne againe they may have a fickeneffe, that takes away fence theymay (wound andbeaftonifbed for a time, yet after they contend for life : Every evill man contends for his life : he leades his life in force lu{t or other, fromwhich ifhe bedrawne hee returnes againe; as a thing that is lifted from the earth, will fall down to it againe: he reckons the wayes of God hard, andoppo- fite to him : Thewifedorne ofthe Spirit it enmity to thefie neytber can it befubiell to the Lz of H 4