112 "ßn Elegant and livelyDefcription, ofGod, Rom. 8. it cannot but refills ir. Eve-', rycreature labours to'mainetaine its being: fo men continuing in Linne, flrive naturally againflall that would bring them out of this life offnne : So the Saints they live a life of grace, and labour to maintains it. 140.6.68! Chrift asking hir Difipleswhethertbey afowould gee away? Peter made this anfirer, Lord .whi Cher /all wee goes' thou haft thewords ofeternal! life ; that is, whiles weconceive thee tobe the principle and fountaine ofthis life, wecannot depart from thee.The Saintswil let go friends and life, and all forthis - life. Count therefore ofothers and judge of-your . feives, byconte fling for this life : flrive to mainetaine it, let all goe rather than it. Thirdly, yee mayknow whether yeehave this life in youor not, by the fruites ofit, as the tree is knowne by its fruitcs. If the word turne the flocke into its owne nature,yeknow it by the fruites. Gal. 5.2. 5. Jfye live in the Spirit, yewill a f walke in the spirit; that is, if ye profeffe your felves holy men , fhew it by walking in the, Spirit: holymen will bee doing that which is good. This is the fureli trial!, our workes will not deceive us : other things which confifé in imaginationmay. r lob, 3.1o. Inthis theChildrenofGodaremantfefand the childrenoftheDivi!i: whodoth not righteou,' net is not ofGod,l >e that is ofGod lothnot tsnrïgh- teoufaalp. Confider thenwhat yourwalke and your