110111111111b, ofSpirituall 'DeathandLif e: your adions are, and by themye thall know this life. But how fhall we knowwhether we walke in theSpirit or no .! I anfwere firft , that there are many by walkes, and ifye walke but in one of them, yce walke in the flefh , andnot in the Spirit. AM. .26. If anymanfiemeto bereligioad , and bridletb not his tongue, but deceiveth his owne heart, this mans religion if vaine : that is, bee that makes this finne his trade, and walkes ordinarily in it, his religion is vaine. Second- ly, yee mayknow itby theguides yee Evill men they follow three guides. Epbe.2.3. they follow fitft theworld, fecondly, the. Di- vill, thirdly, the flefh. Holy men have three contrary guides, &II, the renewed part with- in : fecondly, the holy Ghoft thirdly, the courfe oftheSaints. Gee ye the broad waye oportet Sanaos vadere per diverticula the Saints doe not fo: Follow yee the area= e fulfill yee the willof flea: , or of the Spirite what areyour aaionseEphe.4. 17. 1chargeyou thatyouhenceforth walke not as the Gentilesdoe in thevanity oftheir mincles : that is, holy men may have vanity in their mindes , yet they walke not in itas others doe : evill men may have other thoughts 5 yet they walke in the vanity of their mindes 3 and albeit that evil), menwalkenot in all the walesoffin, yet they are dead:there is but oneway tohit the marke, but .0111.10, ;