Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

114 AnElegant and lively Defcription but there area thoufand by-wayes : a holyman may Rumble in the wayesofGod, and have forne foyles,but he leades not his life in finne, he ftrivesagainft it : bee that leades his life in any knowne finne, not refitting it,and will doe it, andnot croffehimfelfe in it, is dead; his religion is vainc. Obieti. ButwhataCtions are there, that holy men doe, but that wicked ,men and others doe them,: Anfiv Janfwere; that there is nogood aaions we doe but they may bedead workes: as men may pray, and keepe theSabbath, yet they may be but dead workes: they maydoe them for a (hew, yet theyaredead. A fhaddow hath all the liniaments ofa body,yet it wants life ; fo the workes of hypocrites, they want life; confider therefore, whether your workesare livingworkes;you mayknow it by thefe three fignes. Firft, ifthey proceedfrom thefountaine of life, they are not dead workes ; compare Gal. 5.6. In Chriflneither circeimcifion aval- leth any thing , nor toscircutneifion but faith which workethby love, ll _with Gal. 6.15. 1nChri lepa neither Circamcifionavailesanything, net- thee uncircumcifion,bat anewcreature: all that procfeds not froma newhearr,and from fifth whichworkthby love, is nothing : this is the moteofall, when all our aaimscome Loin faith, whichworkes by love:elfe though they are