% of spirituali Death andLife. are never fo fpecious, they arebut dead works. It is nomatter whetherye pray or nor, whe- ther ye receive the Sacrament, keepe the Sab. baths or not, theyhelpenot a jot unleffe they come from the principle of life, a newcrea- ture. Secondly,confider the manner of their wor- king : they will bee done with quickneffeand vivacity: Mendoe them as living a±ions, with all propenfneffe and readineffe ; with much cornaturalneífe, with much fervency and zeale; when they are done in a perfun6ory manner, they are dead workes. Thirdly, ye trayknow them bytheir end; Jooke yeto Chriffe doe yee all in fincerity to him or no, or toyour fefves , ifyee doe, then they are gracious worker, and proceed from grace ; they are living a Lions, andnot dead : they iffue from a right principle ayming at God, andnot at your felves. Eofea, I o. I,lfrael is anempty vine, he bringethforth fruite tohim_ fclfe. If ye bring forth fruites to your (elves and not to God,ye are but emptyVines, God accepts you not. Fourthly, this life is difcovered by your behaviour to the rneanes of life, when they are brought untoyou: whenthere is no found, novoyce , there is no diflinFtion twi ct a deafe, and a hearing man: where there isno light, there is ilt) difference'twXt a fe ing man,and a blind: but the iiht differs thern.Ss when 115 3