Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Yza AnElegant and lively Delcription, pride, ambition, anI the like, confi ier them; Confider your other films , minorts irafani,e, not minoruculp.e; as neglecting ofholyduties, miffpending the time, inordinate gaming,over. ly performingof holyduties,unprufitable hea- ' ring, keeping ofbad company, profaningof theSabbath, and the like. Confider then the terrorsof God and hell, know with what a God you have todeale, and what a burthen finis; ifGodcharge thefe on your confciences yeecannot beare them. I defire not by this to burthenyou, but to unburthenyouofyour corruptions. Now feeing this life is fo excellent, I will addecertaine motives to make you to defire Motiuesto tiirre men up to defireand Teske this life. LC. Firs, it isa happy life ; and it muf needes be fo, becaufe it is the lifeofGod and Angels: it is that life whichwee fhall live hereafter; ye may live this natural life,andwant happineffe. This lifeofgrace and the life of glory differ onely in degrees, not in kinder the competent judges ofthis are the Saints, who have tryed both. Heb. x r, t 5.16. if they hadbeen mindfull ofthatcountreyfromwhich they came, they had liberty to have returned;but now theydefire abet, ter contrey, that tc, anheavenly. In a Heard ofSwine,ifTome frayaway from the reff,and returne notagaine,it isa figne they have found a better paflure:ío when men leave their com panions, and returne no more, it is a figne, they