It 22 "°nElegant and lifeÿDefcription, becaufea$ long as they are flew, the intention reniaines Theadtions ofthis lifeare . full ofchange s and therefore of edifeomfort: but the ationsof this fpirituall life are con(tant and perfeé; and thofeations that areperfect, there is pleafure following them, as beauty fol- Iowes agood conítitution, or as flame the fire. Theat ionsofthis lifeareperfect actions,& the perfeaeít aL ionshave themoft perfect delight; the aeions of this life are moil pellet anti. ons, therefore they have molt pedal becaufe theyare theationsof thebell faculty, about the beflobjet. All actionshave thede- nomination of their perfection from theirob- je s: thefe are actions ofthe foule,theyareoc:''. cupiedabout God, therefore they are thebell and hig heft actiónse. He that livesabout the . belt obled. greateft content doth follow : bee that lives this life, livesabout the bell objet ; therefore he bathgreate(l content,all thewales ofit, arewales ofplea fure1There is morecom- fort and Affiduity of confolation in this life, than inanyother. Inother l i ves,every one ac cording tohis humour bath his delights 2 but yet they arenot permanent, becaufe bee de- lighteth in,tranfitory things ; but free that Iives the lifeofgrace , delights in things that are trulydelightfull at al/tirnes: otherdelights are but delights at fogne times, in forte places, they are notalwaies fo : but he that lives the life ofgrace, pitcheth on thoe that are al- wayes