ofSpirituals Deathand Life. 123 wayes fo. Prey. 14. r S. Apedconfcimeeif a tontintiatlfeafi. Other comforts may faile., a man may fall into afgiaion; riches and plea-- fures maybe taken away, then the dayes are evill; but a goof confcience. is acontinual) feat}, that is, bea mans cafe what it will, his comfort is never interrupted. All other com- forts are about fence , or things of thirlife, . which are fubiet to alteration; but this life and the comforts ofit, admit no change. A man being ficke, bee cannot doe anions of health, they are reftrained : foone inprifon is not at liberty to doe what he would ; but the actionsofthis lifeare afíiduous, they cannot he interrupted : ye maypraycontinuaUy, rejoyce evermore, yet may alwayes have communion with God. Thirdly, this life is a life that is 'call suds, gent ofall others: it needeth !call. Take a man that leades any other life, bee needs many things. Luk. ro.4 s.4 r. this is fhadowed in that ofMartha, andMary : Martha belies herfelfe about many things, fhe wanted many but ma- r?, hadone thingthat maprofitableforal' things, that removesall evills, brings all bappineffe;' and that is Godline which isprofitablefor all things, r Tim4.8. Fourthly, the comfortsofthis life are pure comforts, Pfal. ¡8.26.1walke purely with thole' that wadepurely. This is not onely to beunder- flood ofthe confolations ofgrace, but altoof I 2 corn- '7 .