Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

An .Elegant and lively Vefcription, common hidings, being the flukes of this life : there is no, forrovvwith them , there is pure comfort without any mixture of for. rw God giving there bleffings in mercy, they are free frommixture of difcomfort but heingnot thç fruites of this life ofgrace , be- ing reached by Came and finfull measles-, or God giving them in his providence, not in hismercy, there is forrow in them : yeemay have riches, honours, friends, and all outward things and yet they are not pure bleffings, becaufe Gods bleffing is not mingled with them. 5. Lay, it is a life moft capacious ofcom- forts : yee may give-all the faculties of the foulecomfort. Every creature according as his life is, feelcsmore or leacomfort: Plants as they feele nohurt, fo they feele nofweet- neffe : beafls that have a fenfible foule, feele moreevil' and good : a man thatlives an,atu- rall life, not knowing the lifeofgrace isfen- fible of more good and evill , than fenfible heals hee apprehends Heaven and Hell : but aman that lives the life ofgrace, ismore capacious ofcomfort : hereyou may fuffer your facultyes to runneout to the mama. If yedefire wealth or pleafures, youraffeaions midi not runne out, yee muflhold them in elfe they dreamtyou into perdition, andpierce yca thorowwithmanyfrrowes, Ifye affect hea- venly Treafures, if yee affea praife with