ofSpirituali DeathandLife. I z5 God, yee may be as covetous ofthcm as you will. Thirdly, let this move you to feeke this life ofgrace, becaufe it is themoil excellent thing of all other. All other things are fubordinate to it ; the utmoft end is Will moil excellent: theendofwarre is for peace, thereforepeace is better than it yee plow for harvefi, there- foreharvcWis belt : the endofall aelions isfor this life ofgrace. Why labour yee for foode, but to maintainelife ? Why live ye but to ferve your foules? Prudence is a fleward to this ho- ly life : as the ftewardprovides for the family, that the mailer be not troubled with thofe meaner things ; foprudence is afleward, that the foulemay beoccupied about things that are agreeable to it; the it may have its conver f - P;tit.3,20. limits heaven, and with God. Pervert this or- der, it deftroyes the creature. Beans living the lifeoffence, it dotti perfel them; for that is their utmoft end : man having reafon, living as abean, deftroyes himfelfe; becaufe that is not his end; he that perfects himfelfeas abeaft, deftroyeshimfelfe as a man : perfeaio mentis o f perfeU, to hominis. Let this flirre us up, to live this life : it is the utmoft end ofall. To be Lawyers, Phyfitions, and other callings, helpe us in the living ofthis life, yet they are fubor- dinateto it : drowne not your felves infubor- dinate things, ifye doe, iris your deftruaion: therefore pitch on the principall: I 3 Fourthly,