Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

z6 Elegant and lively Defcription9 Fourthly, that which is bell in the end, (I 4. takeend now in another fence) intobe chofen aboveall thingselfe. That is well whichends well. In this lifeofgrace, yce have this ad- vantage whichyeehave nowhere elfe. Eccles. 7. 4. The heart of the wife is in the hoop of mourning, that is, this life difpofeth us to rhinke ofdeath the endofall, which to doe is wifedome, Deut. 32. 29, O that they Were rife, thenwould they confider their latterend. , In other things the beginning is good, the end is bitter; but the aíions of the life ofgrace are fweet, yce fare the better for them ; the very remembrance ofthem is pleafanr,and the reward of themcomes not long after : All o- cher things are calledperjing rneates, lohn 6. 27. There is a parable in it: that is, theyare as perifhingmeats that are fweete in thepalate, yet they paffe away; but this endures unto eternall life, it continues. The worfl thing in this life yce never repent of: as it is laidoffor- c"' 7. IO, row for finnes ; that it is Torrent) never tobe re. pented of: but the bell things that yee doe in theother life, ye repent of. All other things that yee dot they may be Tweet for the pre. lent; yet as it is faid of drunkenneffe, Prov, 23. 32. fo may it be faid ofthem, that they bite lake a.,serpent , andfling like an odder, though they feeme fweet. The flrangewo- man is fweet yet Prey. 5.4. her end is bitter as wormwood, (carpe a a two-edged ord. Goods cvili