of Spirituall Death andLife. It 27 - evill gotten are fweet for theprefent, yettheir moathesjhallbefittedwithgravell, thatget them Fron.20.17. But on the other fide, theend ofall theadions of this life is good : as it is fail oflob, that his latter endMgmore than his beginning,lob, 42.1 2 . So may it be faidofall thofe who live this life: Pf1.37.37. Marke the perfea man andbehold the upright, for the endofthat manis peace. I.f aman being to die,and having ended his daies, fhould putall his honours, wealth, and plea Cures intoone ballance, and hisgood workes, all his faithfull prayers, all the actions of the lifeofgrace into another, he would find them to be bell. The bad man loth as the Silkcworne doth , windingup himfelfe into his ill workes,he perifheth; the otherwinding uphimfelfe in his gracious ations, enters into falvation. Fiftly,choofe this I ifebefore all others, be- caufe God is pleafed with it, it being like himfelfe; as thecreature is pleafed withthat roh4,24. which is like it. God is a Spirit and will bee warfhipped ias Spirit, and truth ; he is a living God,anddothdelight in a living man : wee our felves delight not indead men, no more doth God : therefore Rom. 12. i. We are exhorted togive up our foules and bedyes a ls- ving facriface to God. God regards not dead bodyes ; bee yee living facrifces, which is thea t ofyour will, ailing the duties of this life. This is called walking withGod; which 1 4 is 5.