Z8 4n Elegant and liliely fcriptiort, ©bjeR. Anjm. Lliti.p r::7s is to be inhis preface, to goe his way, ani to . zaintaine communion with him': this is when as mete doe,andireet reddere woes: when there is naturall delight t when as they are in prefence one with another ; and therefore walking withGod, andpleaftngofGod, are ufed promifcuoufly for one and the fame thing For, Gen.5 .226 itisfaidofEnócb, that he walked ;withGod,and Heb.I r. S. It isfaid, that hepleafed God.; But-you will fay, what benefit is this ? - I anfwer , that is it great. Goddifpoferh ofall things in the world ; is it not wifedome then tohave him your friend ? Gen. 28.9.lacob being to takehis journey,! f acke fail untohim, God all-liOcientbe with thee. God is all-fuffici- Ient 3 ifyeehave him, yee have all : In the creatures there is no fuch thing, there is no- thingbut vanity in them, theyare but as can- dles, or as Starres tothe Sunne. God is all-fuf- ficient : all the happincífe of the creature, makes not men happy : All men feeke h appi- neff`e, yet they never finde it without ha- ving God : AU happineffe is in Gods favour ; In outward happineffè you tuft have other compounded things. Chrift rebuked them that counted her happy in the creatures, raying Plefedis thewombe that harethee, andthePapa that gave theefucker; No, faith Chrift , there will not make a man happy ; but blefedare they which beare theword ofGod, andkeepe it; having