ofSpirituall Death andLife: having God ye haveall things ; Goddifpofeth all things, and giveth the comfortable fruition ofthem. Ye may have alloutward things,and yet want comfort; Gods curfemakes all wife- rabic, though yeehaveall that the creatureaf- fords ; therefore give your felves no refl., till yee havegot this life, without whichGod de- lightsnot inyou. ddarn lofing Gods Imagewas not happy, becaufe God was gone from him ; yet bee had all the creatures which he had before. This lifeofgracebrings usto that ftate, that Adam was in at firfi 5 this reftores us to it feeke not then your happineffe where it is not to be found. We all doeas the Prodigalldid, weget our portion into onr apvne hands, andgee from or Fathers boufe,andftekeforour bappi- nellielfiwhere ; but yee (hall finde at !ail, that all elfe is but buskes Thus the Saints have found it. This life of grace gives rat to the foule , all elfe in the creature is but vanity oftvocation- ofilirit. Vanity is nothing elfe, but an infufficiency in the creature to give that content that wee looked for in it as when we looke for water infan emptywell, feeke for that in the creature that is not in it 5 wee fee its vanity in the abfence ofthe good we looke for , and pretenceofthe evill wee loom ked not for. InGod yee finde ref and tran- quility,fucha tranquility as is in theSea,when it is without waves ; as is in the upper region of LuR415.13; to 204 Ecciesj,34.