Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Iß InElegant and lively 7)efription, of the ayre, where no tempe(ts are. Looke on the lives of men, who are taken up with tri- fles when they areyoung, when they come to a riper age, greaterthings move them; when menare wafer, they feele the apprehenfonof higher things; whenye lift up your foules and keepe them on the wing, yee arc freed from troubles andcares. Paulhad a.greatermeafure ofthis life than other men, his Epiftles which doe Aranferibere anitmtm, tranfcribeas it were his foule, declare as much : and hence was it that in all his troublesand aff-li&ions he was fullof conflancyand comfort : the more con- ftantly we live this life,thegreatergainersMall webe. Laftly, till yec live this life, yee have no afTurance that yee are in the number of the elcót. Repentance putsa new lifeinto men ; till yee finde this inycu, yeeknow not whe. ther God isyours, whether God will worke this life inyou ; This (hould makeus tremble and <feare , and never to leave till wee had got this life. This life is a fruite ofeledion; wee knownot whether wee are in lacebs or OH his cafe, till we know we have it : make hafte therefore toget it. It lies not inyour power ; The Spirit breatheth whenandwhere it lifteth.; ye may feare that God will not give it you , ifyou fpend your life invanity. Take one whonegleòts youall the time that heeis able to doe you fervice .; ifhee feekes unto you 104,3 )7.8