ofSpiritual) Death andLife: you in his extremity for his owneends, what anfwere doe yougive him,but this r Seeinghe bathnegle6ted you when he was able to doe you fervice , you may juftly refafe himnow, lie isable to doe you none. So ifye negleì God whilísye are able for to ferve him, and feeke to bim in your extremity, takeheede that yee receive not that anfwer from him, as the ifraelites did in their extremity, Goe to your Idols, and let them helpe you: nay, heefor- hids Jeremiah toprayfor them. Confider this, and make hafle to live this life ofgrace;yecan- not get it ofyour {elves, God mull put it into you. Now ifrhefe motives move you to feeke this life, andafter examination ofyour felves, ye ande it not to be inyou, then ufe thefc rneanes toga it. The firft meanesto get and mainetaine this life, which is all one, ( for that which begets it doth likewife noura it) is knowledge : a- bound inknowledge, get much light ; this life confifls in light, when a man judgeth aright. The underftanding enlightened is the primum vivens, the firfl living part : and therefore yc (hall fndel that life and light are put one for the other, E be . , a . Stand up from thedead, .and ebri dial! ive you lí ht:and lob, z. Chri Otis that light,and ïhat light was the lsfe ofmen; this life (lands in inli htnib the mind : adde o this light, yee addeto life, The reafon why a3 Tud.ro.13. I¢. Ter.7. r 6.e.1 r. 14.G.i9á1. The :wane. to get thisfpiz ri;uall life. pf's4 p /1 g 3 4 11 g l; men