2 inElegant and lively Defcription, men arc dead,is, becaufe there is a darkenefïe in their feules, they fee not the wayes ofGod: thereforethey at not, they tlep not forwards, becaufe they are in the darke : All (billing is from light, as ye increafc light, foye increafo life., phe.4. z 8, it is faid ofthe Gentiles , that they wereftrangers from the-life ofGod,-througb the ignorancethat i.e in them. The knowledgeof God, brings men nearer to the life ofGod. Hphe,4.s4.folineffeisfaidtoproceedefromtruth, thewordsare; put on thenewman, whichafter Godis created in righteoufnefe andbolines,which proceeds from truth. But you will obie61, that there aremany whoabound inknowledge, who have lifelittle enough ó that ignorant men live this life moll: that none live it lel%, than thofe that know molt. To this I anfvrer, that there is-a double knowledge: Firft, there is a =ere inlighte-. ping and informing knowledge : Secondly, . there is an operativeknowledg: yeemay have enoughofthe fiat, and be neverthe neere: but it is the lait that helps and gets this life and this knowledge is the gift of the fantifying Spirit, this is the operationofGod: we doe but informe and teachmen, wee cannotmake them doe any thing wee cannot make them pradife. Gods teaching makes this know- ledge operative; perfwadeseveryway, works everyway. Secondly , there is aknowledge obier. in