off Spiwituall Death andLife. 4- in the habit, anda knowledge in the a61, which pro:luceth aáions : there are let dowse ob. fcurely. In the. 2 Pct, I. I 2.r 3, the Apotlle there faith, that bee wouldnot benegligent toput thealrvaies inremembranceo,fthefthings, though theyknew them and were eflabli(bed in theprefent truth : yea ithinke it meete <cs long a lam in this Tabernacle, toflirreyouup bypattingyou in ve- menrbrance : Peter did not write unto them that they might know thofe things habitually; forfo they knew,them before ; but that they might know them aaively,andl might prefently a6 them : for that endhe wrote. The firíi knowledge is as fparkes raked up in afhes, the other as fparkes blowne up the .,firs is as the fap in the roote; the later like the fap that fills the branches with leaves and fruite : the firft is a generallknowledge gottenby contemplation; the 'aft is a pra icall and actiue knowledge, a knowledge topra ife. TheScripture exhorts to doe things that intend thisknowledge'Dent. 4.1. and Deut.6. the lfraelites wereexhorted to heareandknow theatntes ofthe Lord,.that they might doe them; to ¡eakeofGods wordandworks, whicha'testheir knowledge,puts them inremem- branceof Gods mercies, and flirtes up their minds. roll,. a. 8. he is commanded to reade the Law ff , and tomeditate in it day andnight; he mu reade it not to know it, for at that time, there was little written but hee was to reade it, that hemight doe it. But