134 obia. .Rnfiv. 1AM.IS® Ym InElegant and lively Defcription, But ifwedoe this fo much, it will hinder and interrupt our bufineffes, fo that we fhall faile ofour other enterprifes. To this I anfBaer ; that thiswill not hinder them, but they ball be done the better , as oyling of the wheeles makes them goe the better. Pfd: I. 2. bee is Paid tobe bled , that dotb meditate- in the LawofGodday and night. Your knowledge being brought to aetion helpesyoumuch ; often hearing ofthe word, which puts you in remembrance, addes to your life,though it hindersyou inother things. Thofe whohavenot the word tohcare, live not under preachingMinifters, who will not be at the coil to get them, or live where they are nor, are much to blame, and live not this life. Simon Magusfinned, inthinking thatthe holy ekemight be houghs pith many; doenot they alto finne , who doe leffe than bee so that will not give moray for to have the Gofpel brought unto them? There is the like fault, when as men may have theword, and come not roit. Iftheycome to it,though it addeth not to their knowledge, yet it helpeth their aóingand life. Thofe who negled thecon - tiantreading ofthe word, who are not con- fiant inprivateprayer, thofewhonegleâ the fpeaking and talkingofgoodthings, theyneg- led this life. That Arabian proverbe, Shut up the fivewindowes, that the houfe may bec full ®flight , will beofgoodufe here that.is, the