r36 Elegant and lively Vefcript ion, I anfwer, that ifyeare indifpofed, themore need you have to be doing, clfe you are more uneXcufable ; the way toget beate is to bee aging : as motion loth bring life to a benurn- med member, fo cloth it to the foule be awa- ked, be furring, this will revive you againe, Chrillianshearts are 4)4744 when as they them. elvesflees ; ifthey (titre them up, there will i bemore life n them, Ro»J. 2.13. when Chriíti- ans begin to languifh,theirmedicine is to rife up and bedoing, whence Saint Paul adnaonilh. eth theG,tlatians,Gal.5.r6,rowalke ips the Spirit, thofe whohave theSpirit ftand not ííi11, as one that cannot ftirre,but they are f#í11 wing and walking: thisatiughelpes this fpiriruall life; lira by inlargingand intending this life. Se- condly, by preventing that which increafeth death: the more we walke in thewayes oflife, themorewe prevent the way that leadesto the Chambers ofdeath : Be doing therefore, if not oneduty yet another. Inthefteppings out ofyour callings,bc doing; be reading and pray- ing; Conferring and talking ofgood things; the neglect ofthis is the caufe why there are fo many dwarfes ingrace. Men content them- felves with morning and evening duties, and it is well if they doe them ; but doe you the anions oflifemore conftantly andabundant- ly. It is the corruptionofour nature that wee arenotdoing : life is maintained by the ani- onsoflife ; habits are mainetainedby anions that Cantrs .i,