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ofSpirituallDeathandLife. 13 7 thatare futable to them ; We Iive in the com- mandements bywell doing, as the creature lothbyfood : Good actionsmainetaine life, it receives ffrength from well-doing: Set there foreyour felvesto pray,todoe holyduties, be 1hll praying,doingmoreandmore;the moreye . doe, the more life increafeth. The third meanesto get this life .istogetfaith'. Faithhelps this life ; it is a life offaith, andit makes us to live this lifeby three feveral wales. Firff, it gives a reality to the priviledges of life,andmakes you feethey are priviledges in deed : therefore is it that yee ad theduties of this life, becaufe yebeleeve that God isfuck a God, that yehave fuch priviledges, that yee are heirsofall things. Ifyee thinke that God is fuchaoneas he is, inwifedorne, power, and mercy; ifye intend, and minde the priviledges ofthis life, then will you live the life ofgrace: Ifyedoubt, andqueftion with Atheifis,whe- ther thefethingsbebut dreames ,thenye intend them not and live notthislife.He that beleeves faith, letme have God fure : the other faith, let mehave that I touch and feele ; but the ima ginary things confIfing in faith and hope I care not for.The more ye beleeve thefe things, the moreye areoccupiedabout them. Secondly, faith drawes you on to aáion: and this life isbut theaging ofthe duties of 2 new obedience. Faith and perfwafion fur- therother things as ifone beperfwaded that K fuch