To 3 8 "In :Elegant andMod, VeJcrtptton, fucha thingwill hurt him,ir producethanaai- onof the will; abftinence: ifa man be perfwa ded that he (hail dye without the Phyfition,he fends for him. So in all otheraaions,perfwafi. on is that which fets a man onworke. So in fpi- ritual! anion, ifwe areperfwadcd that fucha finnecommitted wil not make our bodies ficke I but our foules,wewill not doe it; ifwe are per- fwaded our foules (hall fare the better ifwee doe fucha thing, this make us to dock : being perfwaded wee (hail have a recompence ofre- ward, it produceth aCtion, and the moreaxiom the more life. Thirdly,faith dothit by fitting us for Chrik fromwhom our lifecomes: i kb.5. i 2.he that bath the sonnebath lift. Firft,theSonne ofGod infureth life into him, to whom he is con- joyned 5 the coniunetion betwixt Chrift and us is but relative : as betweene the Kingand the fubjeet ; when the fubjeds refolve to take fuch an one for their king, they are conjuy- ned to him; fowhen a woman rcfolves to take fuch a man for her husband, rue is conjoy. ned to him. The action of raking Chrif, is to takehim as a Lord to ferve him, as a Sa- viour, to have all comfort by him : bee that bath the Sonne in the relative union,fhall have him in the mall union : the Sonnewill quic- kenyou, as the foule cloth the body. AChrifli. an hath the life ofthe Sonne of God. Cal. 2. 21. i live 1 yet not I, but chill lives inme : all that