Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

,... that I doe,Chrift doth it inme : all that thebo- dy cloth, the fouledoth it : the body lives not but the foule lives in ir. After that manner Chrift lives in us : not agood thought or af, feetion, nor any refolution or motion ofthe foule, but cornes faoith hs m efrloivesCinhi us.. : ¡oh. irzu3n. id ht: eater myflelh,anddránkomy blood,palllive. As fiefh gives life to the body, fo the Sonne gives it to the foule; To eate the flefh ofChria, is to prize him,todefire and longafter him,which isafter the fpirit of bondage; to cate him, is to take him, tocome tohim,to have him for your God: In thefe two things ands the eatingof 1 Chrih, Fira in prifing him exceedingly, fo ! as to part with any thing for hiss totake up his Croife withall lofres. Second ly,inbeleving him to be yours, and you his : this eating and drinking ofthel;odyand blood ofChria, ex- preffethour relative union with him, and then followes our reali union: the Spirit immediate- ly gives this : he that doth the firi3/4, Mall have the fecond. But how fhall wedoe to beleeve this ? °Ned. I anfwer, ycefee the old 4d4mcommunica, 1 ted corruption toall his pofterity,becaufe they I were borne ofhim ; fo thofe who areborne 1 of thenew Adam, that is, thofe who take him r I and beleeve in him, havegrace communica. ted tothem by him : this newbirth makes you , cora (4cap4ble ofchrift, ,14 the ether dothofthefirg K z ofSpirituall Death and Life. i 39