40 4nElegant and livelyVefcription, Adam : why then (hall not the fecond ,idam communicate grace aswell as the other doth corruption ? The phylofophers were all de- ceived in this poynr, from whence corrup- tion fhould come; but wee know that it came fromAdam ; and foclothgrace comefromChrif$. Toget this life, ler us feeke it inhim, let usbe. leevemore, let us behumbled more , repent more, and take Chrift more : take him on any condition, prizehim , fet him at the higheft rate, hold him fait. As in the actions of mari- age, thofe whoare tomarrywill not part upon any condition ; they take one another for ri- cher, for poorer, for better for worfe after this manner muft wee take Chris, the more yee take Chrift thus, the more yee havethe Sonne, and foyee live more the life ofgrace. All grant that this life comes by the Spirit; and there is no way to get the Spirit but by the Sonne. Yee muff fiat Bateere yee canbee nourifhed; yeemuft fixe youreyeson hispaf- fion, as the wife doth fixe her eyes or her hus- band: yee mull: feeke this lifefrona the Spirit ultimately,but yee muff firft have the Sonne, and then yee have life : die muff have the Sonne that will have this life; he muff be in- grafted into Chrift as the branches areinto the route: get Chrift,and then this life(hall abound in you. The fourthmeanes to get and increafe this life,is thecommunion ofSaints. The mouth of the