ofSpirituall DeathandLift. 141. therighteoua is a wellfjring of e, Preys 1040. theyput life into thofe that have itnot, and in- creaíe it in thole in whom it is, Lphee.4. 24. Theirbeeches minifler grace to thehearers; they edifie them: hearingof the word of life , and talking ofthe fJuntaineof life, puts life into men. The life ofthe body loth not commu- nicate it (elfe to others ; it is otherwife in the life ofthe foule; the life ofit makes others to live more: as Iron fharpens Iron, fo oneholy manclothanother. See it by the contrary. In eviti men whoaredead there isan aptnare to dead others,thcir wordsare ascontinuaildrop- pings to put outthis life; their tonguesarefit oar fireofhell lames. 3.6. The tongueofgood meat is a cole fetched from theAltar, theyhave fire within them. When two lie together they keepe oneanother warme; there is alionand redaótion ; which ingender beate: fo it is in the communionof Saintssit isa powerfull means toget and increafe this life. The tongue,the example and communion of the righteous is fulloflife,it ispowerfull tomake men live.Gal. 2.14. Paulfpeaking toPeter,faith,wby compelle/ thou the Gentiles to live after the mannerofthe !ewes?he ufednot outward compulfion,his ex- ample and life was a compulfion. The coon pang which wee keepe , cornpells its to doeas they doe: Evill company are the Divels fnares, theydoe asbrambles, keepe us in, and fetter us s the futableneffe of evill companions K 3 drawes ,,,,:Aro