1 4 % ,finElegant and lively Ve fcription, drawlsout ourfecret corruption : He that re- folves to live this life, mull refolve towithdraw himfelfefrom evill company, who are a ftrong temptation unto evils, and betake himfelfe to thecommunionofSaints. There is adifferencebetweene leading our felves into temptation 2 and being led, into it: when you leade your felves into temptation, (asyoudoe whenas you rufh into evil! compa- ny) you areoutof the pale of Gods prote6ti- on : Ifyou touch pitchyee cannot but bee defiled with it, wherefore makeyour company good : this is an cffe luall and power full meats to beget this life inyou. Saul being among the Pro- phets, - changed hisfpiric, andbecamea Prophet: one that goeth fàft, makes thofe that goe with him to mend their pace. 4c. I r: 23. 24, it is Paid ofBarnabar, beinggoodman andfullofthe holyGho f , and offaith, that be addedmuchpeople unto the Lord. Which manner of fpeaking fhewes, that the fpeechesofthofewho are full offaith, helpes to breed faith : that ifmen be full of the Spirit, they quicken the Spirit. Evill company deadsmen: they aretheawakes through which the Divell fpeakes : and this deadingis-done in an infenfible manner, and then aloft of all where it is leaft perceived. Evill companypoyfons men; a man turning his opiaion (which company candoe,) is moil ofall poyfoned, when ashe thinks that hebath leaft hurt. The I Sam.io.Io. IraIZ.