of SpirituallDeathand Life. 143 The la íl meaner toget and increafe this life, is that which is mentioned in the text ; and that 5 is, the bearing of the voyce ofthe Some ofGod this will beget and increafe this life: that is, if when wce fpeake toyourcares, bee fpeake to your hearts,then ye live.Yehave two teachers theone is hethat fpeakes toyou, the otheris Chrift. Heb .8.1A. TheyAda too more teach one another,,for they Aliall be taught ofGod. There are two fheapheards, the ene isbee that feeds you, theother is thegreat (heapheard ofthejiieepe: Ther are twogreat voices,the one fpeakingout- Heb.13.to. wardly to the Bare, the other whenas Chrift fpeakes effe6tuallyto the heart. WhenChrifl fpeakesinwardly to the heart, then men live and not before. This is fuch a fpeech as Chrifl fpake toLazarus,Lazarw4 come rob,I r.4344 forth, and hecame : his fpeaking puts life into us. Nowwhat is this inward fpeaking of life to the heart? It is nothing elfebuttoperfwade fully , and everyway to convince us, that it is bell to take Cbrill, to fet to anholy courfe, to leade a new life. There is a fpeaking that comes neare this life, and is not it ; that is, when as men heare and underfand the way, and apprehend the thingsofGod,but pra6ìife; them not. Here is a proximity to thislife, yet it is not á his life. Let a man come fo neare as that he thinkes heaas it, yet he isdead ifhe a it not : when heaûs ir, then he is madea li- vingman; and then hee thinkes and beleeves, K 4 that