roalmouggswwwwil 44 471Elegant and lively VeJcription, that the wayes offinneareevil!, and that they are evill to him. When God cloth convince us that fuch a thing is evill,and that it is evill to us, then we live andnot before. Amanhaving abutineffe to doe, ifall bedone but one thing, the not doingofthis one thing crolleth all the reflibut that beingcione,his bufines is brought to paffé : fo in this lifeofgrace ; ifa manhave many offers ofgrace whichdoe not fully per- fwade himthis is not enough, ifGods helpe be abfent : but when once be fpeakeS, hedoth fullyconvince andperfvvade us, and makes us tocOntinew. As Sathan having leave, from God never gives over vexing man ; 5fo the Spirit of God doth never ceafeto keepe usin good things; andwhere there is this life there the Spirit dwels_, But after what manneris this effeetuallper fwafionwrought e Ianfwer, when as God gives an care, and fpeakes a voyce for it toheare : fie that bath an eare to heave, faith Chrift , let him heart, Wee then heare , when as there is a lifIning and yeelding difpolition wrought within us : When as wee preach , the are many that have hard hearts, and nothing for to (-of- tenthem; thereforetheword falls from them as raine from ,a floue : but ifthere be a man that God will chufe, hefitshis heart,and fo he is perfwaded: This 4 called the opening of the ihofw. Mucha I s i Ç. - - "