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ofSpirituali Death andLife: 145 the inederflanding,Lok. 24.45. Flee openedtheir under/landing, that they might underfiand the Scriptures. Whenwe fpeake to men, we low as it wereupon fallow groundwhichwill beam no Corne tinier& God plow it. Thofe that faw the miracles oftheLoavesdeemed themnet, becaufe the ir hearts were hardned.Epke.4.i S. *They are alienated fiat"; the life ofGet!, therm the ignorance that isin them, becauje efthe tlinel- neFe ofthe ir hearts, that'is, they are nor fen- fible of finne, and death, the word or the threatnings : when God takes away thishard- neffe,theyare fitto harken then comes light thebeginningoflife, which is the informing of the underflanding , to judge righteous judgement. Thofe whohave the life of Chria, ifbee fpeakes, it quickens them. It is the in- wardvoyce that quickens : feeke therefore to God earneflly ; that Chrifi would fpeake to your hearts yee heareand are not quickned, becaufe he fpeakes not. And thus much for this fecond point : that all in Chriflare in dflate VVce come now to the third point, that may be noted out of thefe words, and it is this. That the voyceof the Some ofGod, is the end) manes totranflate menfrom death to life. Men before they heare the voyce of the Sonneof God aredead; Chrift by hisvoyce makes them livingmen. Thisvoyce is the onely meanes, to give life: there 1013.6.26.