Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

46 AnElegant and lively Defcription, there is novoyce but this that isable for todoe it : that's the fcope of this Text. This propo. fitionmaybee refolved into two parts. Firft, nothing elfe is able to tranflate menfrom death to life. Secondly,this isable fortodoe it. As it is fayd of faith, that it juilifies, and nothing elfe but it can juftifie : fo may it bePaid ofthis voyce, that nothing elfecan tranflate men from death to life, andthis can doe it. To tranflate from death to life is nothingelfe but cffeetu- ally to perfwade and change the heart ; now nothing elfe can thus perfwade and alter the hearr,but this voyce of theSonneofGod.God himfelfe frames the heart; it is as a curious framed locke; none canpickeit, but hee!that knowes the turning of ir. God onely fits the perfwafions to the turnings : mensperfwafions arc as one that will unlocke a locke with a wrongkey. God (web, can perfrade dapheth to dwell in the Tents of Shan; Minillers cannot doe ir. Efay.57.t 9.I fàithGod,create thefruitsof thelippes; that is, I make them to bringcom- fort. I create thefruite ofthe limes.for pea 6y mypower. That this is fo you may fee by di- vers reafons. Firff,that it isfo,fee it by this ; we fpeaking to the quicke( often times they beleeve nor, but then others doe the f ime fomerimes be. leeve, fornetirnes not. Ifman were the fole caufe, the wordwouldhave the fame (flea at all times. Secondly, Gen.9.27.' Reafons ottúe point. I