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ofSpirituali Death and Life. 147 Secondly, this is life, and God onely gives life : it isas thebreathingof life into a clod of earth. It requires an almighty power toworke this in thofe that beleeve.Epbe. 1.19.30. The famepower that raifed up Chri/Ifrom the dead, raifednmup : it isan almighty action togive this life. Thirdly,ifit were not proper to Chrift and hisvoyce to tranflate men from death to life, bec fhould look his chiefeft foveragnty : bee quickens whom bee will: bee bath compasfon on whombewill havecompasfion:If mencould tran- fiate men from death to life, then it would not be proper toGod todoe it: Laftly,as nothing elfe candoe it,fo thevoyce of the Sonne ofGod is ablefor to doeit. At the flrft creation all was made by the voyce ofGod; hee faith, Let there be light, andthere roam light : let him fay to any man, followmee, and hedoth it. Mattb.9.9. he faithto the Fah. licanfittingat the receipt ofcujiome, followme ; andhee left all, and rep up andfollowed him. Chrift fpeaking to his care and heart, made him to follow him ; his fpeechwas like the fpeech ofE/idt toElifha, befollowedhim, and aa. could notabaft but doe it ; Chrift fpeaking wee cannot but followhim. But what is this voyceofthe SonneofGod that tranflateth men from death to life? Ì anfwer, it is nothing elfe but an inward worke of the Spirit, bywhich beeperfwades 2 3. Ioh.5.21. Rom.y.Y S. Gen.r.3. men