I48 AnElegant and lively Defcription, men effet&.ually to turne from darkneffe to light, and from thepower of Sathan toGod. It muff be underfloocl of the effeuall wore king of the Spirit becaufe who ever doth !lease it lives : thisvoyce reneweth andchan- gethmen, tr-anflatingthem fromdeath tolife. Now this effeauall fpeaking confas in two things. Pith inpropounding theobjed, the truth to theheart. Secondly, in the perfwafon ofthe truth. a FirU, the Gofpel mua be laid open to the heart, all things neceffary to falvation muf bemanifetfed to it : then theremuff be lightin the heart toapprehend thofe reafons which are propounded. The Scripturepropounds things byauthority r and whenas thingsare thus ex- pounded, the holyGhof}doth kindle light, to apprehend them, which another doth not. Marke howMoyfes beginninghis bootie, faith, re.I. that to the beginning it 7704f tbus,and thusGoddid; he doth not perfwade them by argumentsto beleeve it : fo lobobegins his Gofpel without perfwafons, 1n the hegining mss the word, ,c. yoh,t.r. fo theApo1les commiffionwas,Geeandpreach that Chrig is Come ; he thatbeleeves /hall befa- acka1ó. =5 ved, he that heletvesnot fhallbe damned : The Isr wordof it felfe is fufñcient authority: when the Gofpell it felfe is thus propounded , then the holy Ghoffkindleslight in men. Andwhen as the Gofpell is propounded, and light kin. deed , then this life is wrought. Now there are