Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

ofSpirituall Death andLife: 9 are three degrees of workingthis life by the Spirit. Firft, there is a furringupofmen, : toattend to the voyce ofChriíf : many there are that heare, yet attendnot.deffl.16.14. The holy Ghofi openedthe heart ofLydia,toattendiotaPauliprea- ching. We fow on fallowground till the Spirit opens theheart to attend to the things that are fpoken. The fecond worke ofthe Spirit is to con- vince andperfwade e eF ually and fully. ¡ohm 16.8. The SpirityhallIrnvince theworldof firme: that is, it (hall convince and perfwade tho. rowly : none candoe this but the Spirit. It doth alto farther perfwade men, that it is good for them to be convinced , and this is when theknowledge is full ; when as all the corners of the heart are anfwered , and the minde refolved to praetife ; Hypocrites and civil menare perfwaded , yet not fully ;there- fore they never pratife 5 if one objenionof the heart bee unanfwered, yee never come to praäife; The laí$ worke ofthe Spirit is to keepe this voyceon the heart, that it vanifh not. dames 1.21. The ingrafted wordis that which it made ale to fiveyour foules, and none elfe. Men may attend for a flafh, but the Spirit mutt ingraft the Word into the heart ; which as a fprig ingrafted, growes bigger and bigger, and hath fruit fromthe fap : other men having truthes I 2