Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

5o AnElegant and lively Defcription, truthes not fafined onthem,theyg weaker an3 weaker. To underhand fully what thisvoyce ofthe SonneofGod is ; ye mutt know that there is a doublevoyce. Fiat, anoutward voyceofthe wordwhich all heare. Secondly, an inward voyce ofthe Spirit. This I colled out ofEli, 6.9. Goe to thatpeopleand tell t&m, hareye in- deed,but not spderiland ; ye indeed, but not perceive that is, they (hail have anoutward hearing, an outward knowledge, but not an inward. There is acommon knowledge'which all thofe have; who live in the Church and there is aknowledge that is onely proper to the Saints,which laves them. The differences tvvixt thefe two knowledges; that ofhypocrites,and of them in fixthof the Hebrews ; twixt com mon knowledge , and effeduall knowledge that is wrought in the hearts oftheeled, are thefe. Fira, common knowledge is confufed and generall 5 this is diflind, inward and partial. lar : that is, the voyce ofthe Sorme of God, fpeaking in the Miniftry to all, niay breed a knowledge of truthes in men; yet theyapply them not to their hearts, and the turnings of them; tieb.4.1 Theg/adis'harper thana two edgedsword, difcerning the thonhts and inten tions of the heart, piercing ever; to the dividing afunder theTonle anaprit,andofjoyntsandmar- row : that is, that Wordof God that is lively indeeel;