ofSpirituali Death and Life; 15 indeed; that voyce of God that is effecîuail to falvation, it is fharpe, it (hikes not ingene rall, but enters the inwardparts. A ffafiecan not enter the flefb, it may bruife it ; but the voyceofChrifl enters likea two edged Sword, difcerning twixt morrall venues, and fuper. naturall things wrought by the Spirit ; it diflinguifhethexaly twixt the re &itude and obliquityofinens hearts : this is proper one- lyto the lavingknowledgeofthe Word. As nothing is hid from Goà . brat it is stalled to hid fight ; fo it is to his word : See if the word be diftind to you , elfe you know nothing. Aman never knowes any thing, till he knowes the Elements,, parts and grounds ofit ; the voyce of the Sonne ofGod onely makes you know things thus particularly. SD in other things yee know not till you know particu- Jars. Ariflotle faith ; a man is not a Phyfition, that knowes things in genera!!, in the greffe, but he that knowes them in particular. This is not to be a Phy fition, to know that filch dry meatcs are good for a moy(1 flomacke, unlcffe healfo know dry meares and the Sympromes ofa moyfl tlomacke : fo it is in the knowledge of the Word. To know what regeneration is, is not enough , except yee know the parts, the kinds and fignes of ir. To know that none arerrarflatedfror death to life, that love not the 0h.3,14 brethren, is not enough, except yeeknow the brethren and love them. To know, that bee that