Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

151 tnElegant and lively Defcript ion, Gal.1,20 Xoh.Io. that is inC;74bath creeißedtheflefli with the affellions and lull thereof, is nothing, except yee know that yee your (elves have crucified it. This particular knowledge is that which makes manifefl toaman the fecretsof his owne heart, z Cor. 14.25. that is, the voyce ofthe Sonne of God, difcerneth the fecrets of the heart, to know things particularly that are in it. 7áefheepe diffinguiJh thevoyce oftbe fheap- heard, from thevoyce ofaßran&er : when men come co heare, they heare thevoyce and di- flinguifhnot the found, becaufe theywant this particular knowledge. Secondly, this hearing oftbevoyce ofthe Sonne of God workes a quicke fence , in the hearts of thofe that heare ir, which theout- ward voyce doth not : and this followes the former. Let knowledge be particular, it workes quicke fence,Heb.q..i z.the word is cal. led livelyinoperation:now lifeconfias in quick- neffe,and motion;thevoyce of Chritt fpeaking effeChuallybreeds quicknefle. Sola individuaa- gentetfentiunt, Aknife ingenerali cutsnothing, the particular knifecuts. To know ingenerali you are finners,havecorrupt natures, offend in jmany things, workes nothing;it is the reflecti- ononyour particular finnes that workes, this makes men trembleacri.z.3 6.37. Peter having toldthe loves thattheyhad crucifiedchriJl, that prickedthemes the heart.As it is of finnes,fa isit ofcoinforts,particular comfortsonly worke. If