ofSpirituaZlDeath andLife. y 53 i Ifonecan fay, I am thus and thus, then corn . fort followes: foparticular threatnings make men finable. WhenGod faid to Adam, Hall thonnot eatenofthe tree whereofI/aidthoufmi deft not gate ? this made him feare. Theword clothbreed a quicke fence : they who havenot this truevoyce founding to them, (Efay.6.9.) inhearing they doe not beare, and/icing they doe notfee; their hearts are fat, theirBares heavy, and their eyesflint. Rom. t r.8. God hath given them the iirit offlamber; that is, when as men hearehis voyce ina common manner,theyare as a man in a ¡lumber : it flirres them not their hearts are fat ; that is, they are fencelefe : for fat is without fence. The property of them that heare inan ineffeauall manner isthis; they have a fpirit of(lumber, theyare as one hearing, a tale, when as his minde is otherwhere. If the things propounded were naturali they wouldbeam them well enough; but they are fpiritualI, therefore they are dull ofhearing them. Thirdly, which followeth the fecond ; thofe that hearc the voyce of the Sonne of God, have experimentall knowledge, the other is but fpeculative. z Cor.2.6.9. Wee preach reife dome to thofe that areperfea : fachto f -dome, au eye bath notfeene , carehath not hearà, neither hathit entered into theheart ofman ; bat Godrre- vesdeth it to ru by his Spirit : that is, thecheefefl inknowledge,havenot feene with their eyes, L or Gßri,3