i,6 MeMarineofmerti°`u4-tlöim the underílanding is mu-informed, it mif-inforiñes thewill andaffections ; that is, it breedsa diforder in thefoule : and when once there is adiforder in the foule, and amongthefaculties, then e meanes of gracebecomes unprofitable :.To this efed the Apo- illefaith, They became blinde in theirunderflana'ing, and then they fell unto noyfome lufis, giving them- .elvesunto acufiomary finning, they became blinde in theirunderflandings ; that is, it put outtheir eyes, it made them blinde as beetles ; and whena man is blinde, he willrunne upon anydauger,becauiehefees itnot : even fo, when finne hath put out the eye of .hc minde, the foule is in marvellous great dangerof fallingirrecoverably : therefore letthis move mento mortifiefinne, 4 The fourthMotive to move all mentomortifie é?G!otive. finne, is, BecaufePannewilt deceive mea : Now there is noman that would willingly becouzened, everymacs wouldbeplainlydealt wtthall ; thereforeif men did but know this, that iftheygave wayunto their luifs, theywouldbefoole them, furelymen would not bee fo eafily ledaway by them. But menwill not beleeve this, theycannot conceive how there fhould bee finch deceitin finne, feeing they are offo neere a conjuneti- on, as tobe apart ofthemfelves : and therefore I will How finne thew youhow finite doth coúzen them , and that in couzens. thefe particulars : Firs , it makes a man a Poole, by blinding the wr= x derflanding ; andwhen he is thus blinded, hee is led away to thecommittingof every finne : and therefore` it isPaid, I Pet.1. I4. Not f ii]hioning yoto. felves accord et, ding to theformer IV" ill yeti?' ignorance; thatis before you . %