Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

4 E,leaantand lively l7efcription,. or heard with their eats ; but thofe that heare the voyce ofthe Sonnc of God, have an ex-. perimentall knowledge whichothers have not. Thisexperimental! and lavingknowledge bath trial. i./ob...a 3,1 writeantoyoufathers,becaufe you have known, him that wa f om the begin, tying: expound this by the 33.of Ezekieli, 33. When this commeth topie then Payeeknow that a Prophet hash bane among!? you : that is, when I fhall doe this, they (hall know expe- rimentally > that there was a Prophet among(} them. a Job. 5.19. weeknow that wee areofGod; that is, wee know it experimentally ; they can fay ofthis, as it is laid in the toflob. i. i. That which we haveheard, that which wee havefene withour eyes , that which weehave lookedupon, and our handshave handled ofthewords oflif, delarewe untoyou, David takes it as peculiar to himfelfe, Pfal.9. io. They that knew thy name willtras%t iothee,for thou Lordhall notfir. Taken them thatfeeke thee : that is, they that ex- perimentally know theewill truft in thee :for thounever £ayleft them that trui in thee they know it by experience. I. Pet. 2.3. Defire the fincere milk, ofthe wordthatyoumaygrow there- by: ifyee have tafted that the Lord is gracious. We find in the Saintsa longingafterGod:they defiire him, which others doe not: thus did David: Moreover they have aíluranceoffal- vation, which others havenot; and thisatfu- rance comes from fence : opt6rrta demonßratio e,