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ofSpirituali DeathandLife. 155. eJa f nfahts ; thebefi detnonfiration is from fence; as he that feeles the fire hot knowes it bell; tailing breeds longing ; affurance from experience breeds certainty. Fourthly, effc6luallknowledge that is bred by thevoyceof the Sonne ofGod, makes ripen approve and ju{tifie the wayes ofGod, makes them t.orelifh them t this followes theother ; when men have tryed them they approve them, loh,6.63. TheSpirit quickens , thefi/h profiteth nothing ; the words then that 1lbeake, they are Spirit and lift. Chri having fpoken, that his body tons meate indeed ; manywere of- fendedat it: then hee Paid, TheSpirit dashgteic- ken , that is, yee accept not my words, be- caufe yee have not the Spirit, yee have but fle(hm that is, acommon knowledge; my words are fpirituall, and youhare carnali , therefore they doe not relifh you. Thefe words are otherwife interpreted by fame : that is thefe materials profit nothing without the Spirit.; but the other is undoubtedly the meaning, for fo it is through the Scripture : the Spirit profits, that is, Pavingknowledge wroughtby the Spirit r men not having it, doe not ap- prove it It cannot beotherwife; where the voyceofChriíi doth found effe&}ually, there they juffifie this : W edome is jußilied ofher children, Lak 7. 35. 'Rom. i o.z 5. How bedsit- full are the feeteofthem thac preach the ark(of peace ? that is, they fee much beauty in the L 2 wayes